Sponsor a Child

We Need You

Now that the school year is underway we still need your help. There are fees for each student to be able to attend. Many of the families in the region simply cannot afford to send their children to school because generating the funds necessary every month is next to impossible. We want to provide an equal opportunity for every child to receive quality education at no cost to them. Our heart is that every single student would be fully funded to remove this financial burden from their family and change the community one child at a time.

For the low cost of just $20 per month you can completely sponsor a child and provide for their education expenses. With your sponsorship each student will receive daily instruction in our new school building, school supplies, learning materials such as books and lessons, and a uniform to wear.
If you cannot afford $20 per month, we suggest partnering with a friend, family member, or co-worker and together investing in the lives of these sweet children. If you would like to do more, for this first year we greatly need sponsors who would agree to pay $100 per month to ensure all expenses are paid for in the launch and grand opening of the school.

Please prayerfully consider helping us. Choose a plan below to sign up for a sponsorship.

*Note: all transactions are conducted safely and securely through the PayPal Subscribe platform.
All funds are received and distributed through the New Breed Praise Tabernacle registered 501(c)(3). All contributions are tax deductible.


Single Child
$20 per month

Multi Child
$100 per month

Make a One-time Donation



We would love to share with you the story of a precious little girl who has already been impacted by the school in Liberia first hand. This sweet child is currently enrolled in the after care program at the school. She was struggling with her learning and her parents were unable to help her practice her lessons at home. She struggled through her homework assignments and cried when the teacher would find them unfinished. The teacher sat with her and gave special attention to her needs. Within a few days, she had completed all her assignments with high marks. The class celebrated by dancing and singing. Her confidence has grown and she is now happy and smiling and continues to improve every week.

This is just one of the many examples of how providing education will change the lives of so many in Liberia, not just for the individual students, but for their families for generations to come.

Please pray about becoming a monthly sponsor today